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    EBT Cards

    Posted in: All Member Forum

    We are receiving calls from parents whose students received an EBT card, who are not eligible for Free or Reduced lunches. The data we submitted for the qualified students is correct. Has anyone else had ...

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    We're going to be using Bonefish to complete this at VSCTC. I still did have one sub give me some grief because they "don't believe in email" and you need an active email address to get the training out ...

  • Posted in: All Member Forum

    Having trouble reading this email? View it in your browser . July 23, 2024 Dear Education Leader: Data Appeal Windows that impact ...

Latest Advocacy Hub Discussions

  • Posted in: Advocacy Hub

    It was a busy week for legislators at the Ohio Statehouse as they completed their last session before recessing until the fall . A summary of the bills passed during the final session prior to summer ...

  • Posted in: Advocacy Hub

    I have attached the updated OASBO Legislative Tracking Tool. The bills are listed in descending order by the last action date. Links are included to the respective bill pages with additional information, ...

  • Posted in: Advocacy Hub

    I have attached the updated OASBO Legislative Tracking Tool. The bills are listed in descending order by the last action date. Links are included to the respective bill pages with additional information, ...

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