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Fair School Funding Plan Webinar Recordings & Simulations Follow-Up

By Katie Johnson posted 03-17-2023 10:51 AM


Recently, the Fair School Funding Plan (FSFP) Workgroup held several webinars. At the first, Former Speaker Bob Cupp and former Rep. John Patterson joined the session to discuss the importance of continuing the work to implement the Fair School Funding Plan and to provide context on where we are to date.

Members of the FSFP Workgroup also discussed updated simulations, prepared by the workgroup, that reflect current base cost inputs. Please note that the updated simulations are different from the “as introduced” simulations provided by the Legislative Service Commission (LSC) which reflect the governor’s proposal for the FY24-25 budget. It is important for members to review the assumptions used for both the “as introduced” simulations, as well as the simulations with updated base cost inputs.

Please note, the updated simulations show a few districts with a negative number in the last column (Change between FY 2025 and FY 2024). This is due to capacity inputs increasing, while the base cost inputs remain at FY22 levels. While we intend to advocate for updated inputs for FY25, the workgroup felt it was necessary to provide a similar methodology as the simulations prepared by LSC for illustrative purposes. Be sure to compare the assumptions and differences in projected funding between the LSC simulations and the updated simulations provided by FSFP Workgroup.


To address questions, a second webinar was held. In addition to simulation questions, the FSFP Workgroup answered questions related to open enrollment and guarantees.

If you missed the second webinar, watch the recording here, and use passcode Pz+d4c$8 

Links to the FSFP webinar recording, presentation, and simulations can be found below.

Important Resources

