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Jeff Dornbusch, Treasurer, Port Clinton City Schools

By Jeff Dornbusch posted 06-22-2022 05:01 PM


How many years have you been in the school business profession?
This marks my 21st or 22nd year.

How did you first learn about the school business profession?
I went to school to be a business teacher, and then I went into the private sector. I knew the person who was the treasurer of my local school district really well and respected her a lot, and she was leaving that position. No one talked to me about changing jobs. I just always had an interest in getting back into schools since my degree was in education and I was working in the accounting world and that school treasurer job seemed like it could be kind of cool. Twenty years later, it still is.

What's your proudest career accomplishment?
There are a couple. In my first district that I worked in for 10 years, we were able to get some special legislation passed after the de-regulation amendment bill went through, and that provided over $6 million of relief that the district still gets today. In my district now, Port Clinton, we were able to pass a bond issue and basically retool all of our buildings and we have a new campus for our kids. There were four defeats of that bond issue, and then when I went there I lucked out that was the year they passed it. So I got to participate in the building bond purchasing, and all that goes with a new school building and got to see it all the way to the end.

What's something that makes your district unique?
We've been told we're an anomaly when it comes to state funding. The reason why, and we're one of just a couple of districts like this, is we have incredibly high property values here on Lake Erie that brings vacationers and second-home buyers from all over. However, the people who live in our town are below the average income in the state of Ohio. We have a good percentage of our students on free and reduced lunches, so we have a uniqueness where we're very property wealthy, but that is not who we are. We have challenges for our kids and we take those challenges head-on.

What's at the top of your bucket list?
I'm a season ticket holder to the Browns and the last time they won a championship was 1964, and I wasn't born yet. So in my lifetime, we've never won the Super Bowl. My whole family knows if the Browns ever make it to the Super Bowl, I'm going.

Who is your hero?
My hero was Ronald Reagan. I still listen to his speeches, he's so inspiring.

What is something your colleagues would be surprised to learn about you?
I've run seven marathons. I'm a runner and have run marathons all over the country.

If you were an office supply item, which would you be?
I guess Post-it notes because they're the most useful thing I have in my office.

If you were an animal, what would you be?
A lion.

What's your favorite TV show?
"The Golden Girls"

Favorite movie?
"A Few Good Men"

Favorite food?
I'm gonna have to say pizza.

Favorite restaurant?
Trotters in Bowling Green.

Favorite activity outside of work?

What's the best part of being involved in OASBO?
Coming from the private sector, you can't always get together with people in your line of work because it's very possible they are competition. In public schools, there are no secrets. We get to share if something works better and we like to share with others. I think that's probably one of the best things we can do through OASBO.
