How many years have you been in the school business profession?
I received my school business manager’s license in 2019, but I have been working with school business officials since 1999, in various capacities.
How did you first learn about and then become involved in the school business profession?
I first learned about the profession when I worked in performance audits for the Auditor of State. My time with the General Assembly, Governor’s Office, and School Facilities Commission always brought me into close contact with school business professionals and OASBO. I was encouraged by Dr. John Stanford, our former Deputy Superintendent, to secure my school business manager’s license and pursue my treasurer’s license. The first I did quickly – the second has taken more time.
What is your proudest career accomplishment?
I have worked on various school funding models and initiatives throughout my professional career. Playing a role – even a small one – in advocating for the Fair School Funding Plan is one of the highlights.
What do you feel is the most important part of your job?
Communication and relationship building.
What is one thing you feel makes your district unique in the state?
Size and volume.
What is at the top of your professional bucket list?
To obtain my school treasurer’s license.
If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
An Owl.
Favorite TV Show?
The Mandalorian and Obi‐Wan Kenobi
Favorite Movie?
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Favorite Food?
Anything that doesn’t eat me first.
What’s the most useless talent you have?
The ability to remember sections of the Revised Code and movie lines.